Brazil day 11

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Sorry this blog is slightly later, getting internet has been more challenging. Today we had a more relaxing schedule.

We got dropped off at our meeting point and then travelled 30min up the road to a place called hot park. It’s a water park fed by hot springs, they had water slides, water bars and A beach set up even though we are 1000 miles from a beach. It was good to rest and relax.

Every day has been over 30 degrees so the Sun tires you out. Yes I know we must not complain. We left the park at 5 after arriving at 10:30 theses one scary slide and I was impressed that Maggie went on it and didn’t scream! I screamed.LOL

We visited a children’s church which was packed into a ladies garage, we sang songs, danced and Jason shared about his life.

There was a short question time by the kids, they then shared testimony of God in there lives it was powerful. One girl cried out to God for healing and she received it. Another had seen her Nan healed. Was a blessing.

We all popped home for a farewell dinner with our hosts and to pack as we move to The next and last city of the trip. Goiania.

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